NORTH AMERICAN WINDPOWER: Acciona reaches 1 GW milestone with concrete tower tech
By the final quarter of 2015, Acciona Windpower reached a major milestone in the US, with its concrete towers installed in several states...

BLOOMBERG: Acciona to build 805.5 megawatts of wind power in North America
Acciona announced its windpower division's plans for growth in North America with a press conference during the industry's annual trade...

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES: Exelon’s rate-hike proposal is a bad bill
Following a rate hike proposal from Exelon, Aileron teamed with the BEST Coalition to increase awareness of the issue and empower...

ASSOCIATED PRESS: Exelon subsidy would cost $1.6B over 5 years
Aileron worked with the BEST Coalition and independent experts to develop an economic impact study of proposed Illinois energy...